how to update DNS name server for domains registered with Namecheap

Domain names/DNS > Name server update instructions
This article covers the steps necessary to change the name server records for domain names registered with Namecheap. This information should be used when updating your domain name to point to your account at

Go to Domains > Manage domains
In the Domain name list, click on the domain name you wish to update
In the left column, click Domain Name Server Setup
Make sure the Specify Custom DNS Servers (Your own DNS Servers) radio buton is selected
Delete any existing entries and replace them with:


Click Save changes

Additional Information

Name server updates typically take 12 to 24 hours, though in some cases the propagation of the change can take up to 72 hours. Site users may report problems accessing your site at during this time. Until propagation is complete, requests to your domain name may point to your previous host.

If do not remember your Namecheap username and password, please contact Namecheap support.

Please note that the procedures for making changes at Namecheap are subject to change. If you find that any part of this article is inaccurate, please let our technical support department know so that we can update this article,thanks