How to change File Permission from Control Panel

Control Panel V5 > Hosting Control Panel > Files

1. log in to your Control Panel, navigate to the Files page

2. click the "File Permission" button of the target folder/file

3. on the upcoming modal, choose the Read-Only or Read&Write option as you need, click the "Update" button to complete

4. the result will be recorded on the Work Queue page

Please set your sites' file permission to read-only for folder/file which does not need the "write" access, to protect your files from injecting.
We disabled the "file permission" button in the control panel, we will help all customers to secure their files on the server side, you don't need to pay attention to it anymore.
If you get any problem with file permission, please contact us through Helpdesk.
And if there is an upload feature of your website, you should limit the permitted-upload file to a certain file extension, filter out the unwanted file format and potentially harmful binary file.